

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:169

2023-03-07 19:22:44


华威公学Warwick School 11+入学要求


Section A

华威公学Warwick School 11+入学要求

华威公学Warwick School 11+入学要求

华威公学Warwick School 11+入学要求

Comprehension Section

Look at the extract from ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King on the separate sheet. Answer the questions that follow.

Look closely at paragraphs 1-4 and answer questions 1-3 below.

1. Find the verb which shows that Stig is athletic in paragraph 1.



2. How do we know that Stig is pleased with himself and his home?



3. How do we know that Stig’s home is rather untidy? Use quotations from the text to support your answer and explain why you have chosen them.




4. Complete the table below. An example has been done for you.

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Look at paragraphs 5, 6 and 7.

5. Find 2 quotations to show that Stig is an unusual person and different to Barney. Comment on the writer’s choice of words and their effect.

Quotation 1:






Quotation 2:






For the rest of the questions, you need to use the whole extract.

6. You will find some words printed in bold in your extract. What do these words mean?











7. In your own words, how do we know that Barney hadn’t enjoyed his dinner that day?



8. How does the writer present the character of Barney?

Look at the whole text. To answer this question use the bullet points below. Try to write a different idea for each bullet point and use quotations and explanation throughout your answer.

 Barney’s reaction to his rescue

 Barney’s behaviour towards Stig

 Barney’s feelings about Stig’s home.







Section B Essay

华威公学Warwick School 11+入学要求

 Total Marks: 40 (including a mark out of 10 for spelling, punctuation and grammar).

 Aim to write at least half a side of A4.

 Do not forget to write in full sentences and use paragraphs to structure your writing.

We look forward to reading your story!










1. Work out:

a) 9728 + 675

Answer: ___________

b) 1003 − 637

Answer: ___________

c) 87 × 93

Answer: ___________

d) 7799 ÷ 11

Answer: ___________

2. Calculate

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Answer: ___________

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Answer: ___________

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Answer: ___________

3. Find the missing numbers in each of these sequences. Write your answers in the boxes provided

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Answer: ___________

b) Write 0.625 as a fraction in its lowest terms

Answer: ___________

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Answer: ___________

d) Give the ratio 36 : 84 in its simplest form

Answer: ___________

5. A greengrocer is selling the following fruits:

Grapes at £1.54 per kilogram

Melons at £1.79 each

Nectarines at 87p per punnet

a) What is the total cost of ½ kg of grapes, 2 melons and 3 punnets of nectarines? Give your answer in £

Answer: £________________

b) How much change would you get from £10 if you bought 1 kg of grapes, 1 melon and 1 punnet of nectarines? Give your answer in £

Answer: £________________

6. Find the number that is exactly halfway between 6.7 and 9.1

Answer: ___________

7. Give one answer only for each of the following questions:

a) Write down any multiple of 8 between 50 and 70

Answer: ________

b) Write down a prime number between 48 and 60

Answer: ________

c) Write down a factor of 90 that is between 12 and 25

Answer: ________

d) Write down a square number between 30 and 60

Answer: ________

e) Write down a 2-digit number that is both a square number and cube number

Answer: ________

8. How many small triangles would fit exactly into the larger rectangle?

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Answer: ___________

9. Arrange these numbers in order from the smallest to the largest.

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10. A train leaves Manchester and arrives in London at 13:37

What time did the train depart Manchester if the total journey time was 173 minutes?

Answer: _______________

11. The temperature at midday in Moscow is −3℃. Between midday and midnight the temperature in Moscow rises by 5℃ and then falls by 11℃. What is the temperature at midnight in Moscow?

Answer: _____________

12. In a class the ratio of boys to girls is 2 : 3

a) How many boys are in the class if there are 15 girls?

Answer: _________ boys

b) How many more girls than boys are there in a class of 35 pupils?

Answer: ________ more girls

13. I think of a number, add 4 and then multiply by 3. The result is 63. What was the number I thought of?

Answer: ___________

14. You are given that 44460 ÷ 780 = 57

Use this result to give the answers to the questions below:

a) 44460 ÷ 57 =

Answer: _____________

b) 57 × 780 =

Answer: _____________

c) 4446 ÷ 5.7 =

Answer: _____________

d) 7.8 × 5.7 =

Answer: _____________

e) 3 x 78 × 19 =

Answer: _____________

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Answer: ___________

16. The rectangle and triangle below have the same height.

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If the perimeter of the rectangle (all 4 sides) is 32m, what is the area of the triangle?

Answer: __________m2




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