

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:150

2023-04-24 01:41:00



The case against 反对的案件

Loss of domestic monetary policy 国内货币政策的丧失

The whole point of the convergence criteria as a condition of entry was that all the economies that qualified would have ‘converged’ and would then grow and shrink together on the same economic cycle. Interest rate decisions would be ‘OK’ for all countries. But just because a set of statistics match on a particular day does not mean that economies are moving in the same direction. One could be rising and the other falling, but they happen to meet in the middle – ships passing in the night!

This is thebiggest disadvantage of joining the euro. The more credible the MPC become in terms of running UK monetary policy, the more risky it looks to let the ECB take over.



Lack of fiscal transfers 缺少财政转移支付

The USA is, in a sense, a single currency area. The economy of California is totally different from that of the state of Mississippi, and yet they survive with a single currency. One of the reasons is that they have a federal (national) government that can set federal taxes to raise revenue and help states (or economies) that are suffering.

Although the EU does have a budget, it is made up of contributions from the member states. There are no EU taxes. The budget is a tiny percentage of EU GDP. If an economy in Euro-land is suffering, it can no longer devalue its currency against other Euro-land economies, and it will receive no help in terms of money from the centre. It will just have to work its own problems out, probably through a period of unemployment.

To make matters worse, the stability pactthat the member countries have signed up to means that their annual budget deficits cannot exceed 3% of GDP (the same as the Maastricht criterion for government debt). Countries in trouble will not even be able to borrow money to help themselves in times of trouble.







犹豫不决 不如直接对话导师



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