

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:166

2021-12-17 01:47:00


alevel考试语法:交际用语 - 请求与提供帮助。很多同学不知道alevel考什么?不管alevel考试科目是alevel化学,alevel物理,alevel历史,alevel地理,还是其他的科目,都会用到alevel词汇和alevel语法,掌握好了alevel考试语法,会很容易的理解文章的意思,你就离alevel高分更近了一步。alevel语法不仅可以提高你的alevel考试成绩,对你的出国留学的申请和留学生活都会有很大的帮助。如果你有alevel考试报名,alevel考试费用,alevel考试地点等alevel考试相关的问题,请关注考而思在线alevel考试网,或者直接访问考而思在线alevel考试网在线咨询。

Requests and Offers(请求与提供帮助)

A.Requests:1、Can (could) you do something for me?2、Will (would) you do something for me?3、May I have some ice-cream?4、Please do me a favor.5、Please don't open the window.6、Do (Would) you mind turning down the radio?7、I wonder if you could lend me some money.

B.Offers:1、Can (Shall) I help you?2、What can I do for you?3、Is there anything (else) I can do for you?4、Would you like me to do this for you?5、Would you like some help?



1、—Can I count on you for help?— ______A.As you like. B.I'm sorry. C.Yes, you certainly can D.Why do you ask?

2、—Could youspareme some ink?— ______.A.Yes, of course B.Not at all C.Yes, I cold D.Never mind

3、—Let me help you carry the box.—No, I can manage, but ______.A.not at all B.it doesn't matter C.thank you just the same D.the same to you

4、—Will you make me a kite?— ______.A.I'm glad B.I'll be glad C.I'm going to glad D.I'll be glad to

5、—You seem to get lost. Need help?— ______A.Yes, would you help me with the bag? B.Yes, take me please.C.Help me find the key, please. D.I'm looking for Shanghai Road.

6、—I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?—Not at all. ______.A.I've no time B.I'd rather not C.I'd like it D.I'd be happy to

7、If you want to ask someone for help, which drillsshouldn't you say?A.Could you do me a favor? B.Would you do me a favor?C.May I ask a favor of you? D.Can you give me a help?

8、—Can I have some meat?—Certainly, just ______.A.take it as you like B.eat it as you pleaseC.help yourself D.help yourself at home


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C




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