

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:64

2023-03-23 18:48:38


海格特学校Highgate School year3英语入学考试笔试题






A Magical Friend

The light from the sunrise crept into the highest tower of the castle and

illuminated the room. Scattered around the floor lay old, dusty textbooks,

left open and discarded. Soft and fluffy cushions surrounded a squashy fourposter bed. From under the plush, purple covers, a yellow mop of hair could just be seen.

The boy in the bed let out a low moan in response to the dawn’s sunshine and turned over, burying himself in the covers. Then suddenly, without warning, he sat bolt upright. “The King’s Tournament! I still haven’t found a spell to perform for my father!” Worry crept over Edmund like icy water and he felt his head begin to spin. He was the King’s youngest son and the apprentice to the greatest magician ever to live - Merlin. He was supposed to be showing off the magic he had learnt in front of hundreds of people that evening at the King’s birthday tournament. But for the past few weeks, none of the enchantments he had tried had worked.

1. “The light from the sunrise crept into the highest tower of the castle”

What time of day does this show it must be at the start of the story?

海格特学校Highgate School year3英语入学考试笔试题

2. (a) Circle the word that shows how the boy is feeling about performing at the King’s Tournament:

Excited Confident Anxious Angry

(b) Explain why he feels this way


3. Using the information in the text, but a tick in the correct box to show whether the statement is true or false.

海格特学校Highgate School year3英语入学考试笔试题

4. ‘Raising the golden candlestick in the air, the boy slowly opened the ancient cupboard door.’

Copy two adjectives from this sentence





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