

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:78

2023-03-06 19:13:50


帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库








帕克林顿学校year 9入学考试数学笔试真题:

1. Calculate the following, showing a clear method where appropriate:

a. 4 × (52- 6 × 2)

____________ (2 marks)

b. 5471 + 85.1 + 7.163

____________ (2 marks)

c. 3.2 × 1.7

____________ (2 marks)

d. 21.6 ÷ 0.8

____________ (2 marks)

e. 53 × 2

____________ (2 marks)

f. 2187 ÷ 9

____________ (2 marks)

2. Solve the following equations:

a. 7? = 84

? = __________ (1 mark)

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

c. 6? + 14 = 74

? = __________ (2 marks)

d. ℎ2 = 144

ℎ = __________ ℎ = __________ (2 marks)

e. 5(3? + 1) = 65

? = __________ (3 marks)

3. Round the following numbers to the accuracy stated in the brackets:

a. 658432 (3 significant figures)

__________ (1 mark)

b. 0.86701 (1 significant figure)

__________ (1 mark)

c. 7.95899 (2 decimal places)

__________ (1 mark)

d. 68.97527 (1 decimal place)

__________ (1 mark)

4. Simplify these expressions:

a. 8? + 3? − 6? + 9?

____________________ (2 marks)

b. 18 + 6? − 3?2 − 2? − 5 + 4?2

____________________ (2 marks)

5. Calculate the following. You must show all your working out. Give your answers as mixed numbers in their simplest form.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

____________________ (2 marks)

6. Expand these brackets and simplify where possible:

a. 5(3? + 2)

____________________ (2 marks)

b. 2(4? + 3) − 3(? + 4)

____________________ (3 marks)

7. Calculate the size of angle x from the diagram below:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

8. Last year a brand new house cost £320000.

It increases in value by 5% each year.

How much will it be worth when it is 1 year old?

£_______________________ (2 marks)

9. Write these numbers in order with the smallest first.

83.247 83.047 80.472 83.147 82.047

_________ _________ ________ __________ __________ (2 marks)

10. Write down the next 3 terms in each of these sequences:

a. 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, _____, _____, _____

b. -3, -8, -13, -18, -23, _____, _____, _____

c. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, _____, _____, _____

d. 5.3, 6.4, 7.5, 8.6, 9.7, _____, _____, _____

11. A car is travelling at 45 miles per hour. It continues at this speed for 3 hours. How far will it travel in this time?

____________________ miles (2 marks)

11. Here is part of a train timetable from Beverley to London.

It shows the time in 24 hour clock, that the trains leave Beverley and arrive in London.

Beverley 06:02 …… …… …… …… …… ……

Hull 06:26 08:23 10:30 12:33 15:13 17:10 19:11

Brough 06:38 08:36 10:43 12:45 15:25 17:22 19:23

Howden 06:49 08:47 10:56 12:56 15:36 17:35 19:34

Selby 07:00 09:01 11:06 13:06 15:47 17:45 19:45

Doncaster 07:21 09:25 11:25 13:25 16:05 18:03 20:03

Retford 07:40 09:39 11:39 13:39 16:19 18:17 20:17

Grantham 08:03 10:01 12:01 14:01 16:40 18:39 20:40

Stevenage …… …… …… …… …… …… ……

London 09:13 11:10 13:07 15:10 17:45 19:45 21:46

a. Jenny wants to arrive in London by 12:00 and she gets the latest train possible.

She arrives at Hull train station at 08:15.

How long will she have to wait at Hull train station?

____________________ minutes (2 marks)

b. How long does the 06:02 train take to get to London?

_________ hours and ______ minutes (1 mark)

c. Jake arrives at Selby station at 19:32. He gets the next train to London.

How long will this train take to get to London?

_________ hours and ______ minutes (2 marks)

12. Look at the shapes below and draw on any lines of symmetry with a ruler.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

13. Share $270 in the ratio 2:7

£ _____ £______ (2 marks)

14. Write these fractions as decimals:

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库


Calculate answers to the following expressions, when ? = 4, ? = −3 and ? = 2.

a. 4?? + 2?2

__________ (3 marks)

b. (? + ?)2

__________ ( 2 marks)

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库


a. Find the area of the shape below. Show all your working out and state the units of your answer.

________________ _____ (4 marks)

b. Find the perimeter of this shape.

____________________ cm (2 marks)

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

17. Below is a table showing the cost of stamps.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库

a. Write down the cost of posting an envelope weighing 55 grams to the USA.

£____________________ (1 mark)

b. Calculate the cost of sending two envelopes weighing 120 grams each in Britain.

£____________________ (2 marks)

18. 20 children were asked hour many hours per week they spent watching television.

These are the results:

5 7 4 3 6 5 5 2 4

6 7 2 5 4 4 3 7 6

Complete the tally chart showing the number of hours of television watched by this group of children.

帕克林顿学校Pocklington School year 9数学入学考试题库




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