
CAIE AS物理补考注意事项

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:338

2024-01-04 14:54:42





CAIE AS物理补考注意事项


■4.3 Density and pressure

6 calculate the upthrust acting on an object in afluid using the equation F = ρgV (Archimedes’ principle)在密度和压强部分,新增加了Upthrust计算公式,这里需要进一步理解到upthrust=ρgV=weight of fluid displaced,也就是等于排开液体的重力。

■ 6.1 Stress and strain2 understand and use the terms load, extension, compression and limit of proportionality除了旧大纲要求的elastic limit之外,新大纲明确要求掌握limit of proportionality。

■ 7.4 Electromagnetic spectrum3 recall that wavelengths in the range 400–700 nm in free space are visible to the human eye电磁波这部分虽然我们在往常学习的时候要求掌握各个波段wavelength的大致范围,新大纲明确了人眼能看到的可见光波段:400-700nm。

■ 7.5Polarisation1 understand that polarisation is a phenomenon associated with transverse waves2 recall and use Malus’s law (I = I0cos2θ ) to calculate the intensity of a plane polarised electromagnetic wave after transmission through a polarisingfilter or a series of polarisingfiltersWaves波这一部分新增加了polarisation,波的偏振现象,以及Malus's law公式的理解和计算。


■ 9.3 Resistance and resistivity4 explain that the resistance of afilament lamp increases as current increases because its temperature increases8 understand that the resistance of a thermistor decreases as the temperature increases (it will be assumed that thermistors have a negative temperature coefficient)电学部分,以往对filament lamp和thermistor电阻随温度的变化是需要掌握的,能够运用resitance和温度的变化趋势来解释某个电路中power、resistance等等变化。不过并没有在大纲里明确写明这两条要求。

■ 7 understand that the resistance of a light-dependent resistor (LDR) decreases as the light intensity increases新增加了光敏电阻LDR的resistance随光照强度的变化规律。

■ 10.3 Potential dividers3 understand the use of a galvanometer in null methods4 explain the use of thermistors and light-dependent resistors in potential dividers to provide a potential difference that is dependent on temperature and light intensity早年一点的历年题有关于a galvanometer in null methods的计算题和选择题,在新大纲中新明确了对这个点的掌握要求。热敏和光敏电阻要求掌握在potential divider中的应用,这很明显是简答题的考察。

■ 11.1 Atoms, nuclei and radiation10 understand that α-particles have discrete energies but that β-particles have a continuous range of energies because (anti)neutrinos are emitted in β-decay11 represent α- and β-decay by a radioactive decay equation of the form

CAIE AS物理补考注意事项

12 use the unified atomic mass unit (u) as a unit of massParticle这部分要求掌握alpha particle所具有的能量是不连续的,而β粒子的能量是连续的。关于11和12两条内容授课均有讲述,这次在新大纲中做了明确的要求。

■ 11.2 Fundamental particles2 recall and use the charge of eachflavour of quark and understand that its respective antiquark has the opposite charge (no knowledge of any other properties of quarks is required)4 understand that a hadron may be either a baryon (consisting of three quarks) or a meson (consisting of one quark and one antiquark)基本粒子部分新增了meson;需掌握hadron可以是baryon,也可以是meson,meson是由一个quark和一个antiquark组成的。既可以是定义题,也可以是简答和计算。


■ 17 Electricfields

17.1 Concept of an electricfield

a) understand the concept of an electricfield as an example of afield of force and define electricfield strength as force per unit positive charge acting on a stationary point charge

b) represent an electricfield by means of field lines

17.2 Uniform electricfields

a) recall and use E=ΔV/Δd to calculate thefield strength of the uniformfield between charged parallel plates in terms of potential difference and separation

b) calculate the forces on charges in uniform electricfields

c) describe the effect of a uniform electricfield on the motion of charged particles

AS物理之前有对Electric field的要求,17.1和17.2是旧大纲需要学生掌握的知识点,由于A2还会继续深入讲解关于电场的内容,可能是由此考虑,2022新大纲将电场部分的内容移动到A2部分学习。



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