
Marketing Essay写作题目推荐

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:300

2024-09-24 14:45:19

毫无疑问Marketing是留学生最受欢迎的留学专业之一,同时课程essay也是最难写的作业类型之一。写好marketing essay,选好题目很关键。下文小编整理了一些marketing essay题目,有兴趣的同学们可以参考一下。

Marketing Essay题目

消费者行为是在考虑价格和个人预算(如现金收入)的情况下,塑造消费者选择商品的需求的过程。众所周知,货币收入对需求有直接影响,而价格对购买商品的数量有影响。这种影响是由营销人员和消费者行为研究的,是分配给学生的最受欢迎的科目之一。如果你需要写一些关于它的文章,请看下面的营销文章主题marketing essay topics.

Marketing Essay写作题目推荐

Topics on Consumer Behavior

1.Explain how companies create customer-centeredbusinesses.

2.Describe how customer-centered businesses impact theconsumer decision-making process.

3.What is the impact of unethical marketing on theconsumers well-being?

4.Describe what activities you would follow to findqualified buyers for US Products.

5.What channels do you know through which customers can befound?

6.What are the features,advantages,and benefits of a newproduct idea in marketing?

7.Recent changes and how they impact the retailer Zara inthe UK.

8.What are impacts of e-marketing on influencing consumerdecisions?

9.What are differences between female marketing and malemarketing?

10.Sports marketing research paper abouttourist destinations.

11.Language as a stumbling block in international marketing.

12.Is marketing unethical,as it seeks to create the need toconsume more,rather than responding to what consumers want and need?

13.What are differences in consumer behavior in the US andChina?

14.How can a company boost customer loyalty?

15.How does globalization influence consumer behavior?

16.How can consumer behavior be changed with the use ofsocial media?


Marketing Essay Topics:Planning andForecasting

1.Describe what tools are used to make effective marketingdecisions.

2.What will be the consequences of the current marketingmix strategy implemented by Emaar in the UAE?

3.How can a SWOT analysis help companies maximize theirmarketing strategies?

4.Discuss the goals and expected outcomes of theorganizational function of the chosen company.

5.What role does marketing play in the overall strategicplanning process?In your essay,discuss a company that you think has masteredthe marketing process and also mention a company that you think needs muchimprovement in marketing products or services.

6.Explain the importance of having a global perspective andan international marketing task,and the stages of involvement.

7.Marketing strategies for breast cancer drugs and theirpossible results.

8.Strategies for chiropractic services and personal injurymarketing.

9.Critically assess Aston Martins organizational approachto their marketing strategy from a legal perspective.

10.Traditional and new approaches to theprocess of advertising in the domain of healthcare.

11.How can a strong market monopoly be broken through?


Topics on Internet Marketing

1.What are the benefits of the advanced strategy case ofBlue Ocean Strategy in online marketing?

2.Using online advertising and electronic word-of-mouthwith destination marketing for millennial tourists.

3.The impact of technology on marketing research in todaysbusiness environment.

4.How do the fundamentals of marketing influence internetmarketing?

5.How is entrepreneurial marketing developing on theinternet?

6.What are new marketing models to win back inactivecustomers through digital marketing?

7.Localization and digital marketing:How much is enough?

8.How has social media changed marketing strategies that weuse?

9.Evaluate the role of social mediamarketing in regards to Apples products.

10.What are differences between internet marketing andtraditional marketing?

11.Using online advertisement as a marketing tool in theexample of Facebook.

12.Are teens(or adults)concerned that their use of socialmedia is being exploited for profit by large companies?How do these newmarketing strategies affect consumers and consumerism?

13.Why is social media marketing more efficient than radiomarketing?

14.Describe the best practices for implementing social mediatools for health marketing.

15.How is social media marketing useful for hotel industriesin Thailand?

16.Millennial luxury consumer attitudes towards Instagramcontent marketing in the UK market.

17.What are the most popular trends in internet marketingtoday?


Marketing Essay Topics:Brand Management

1.Explore the value of customer experience on brand loyaltyand experiential marketing.

2.Explore the rationale,scope,and perspective inmarketing in higher education in Jamaica(Caribbean island).

3.Assuming the role of a new marketing manager in aMalaysian small and medium sized company of your choice,discuss the internaland external factors which may create opportunities or threats to the company.

4.Describe what made the campaign successful for the brandof your choice.

5.Develop a marketing strategy for a production of the playAnd the Soul Shall Dancein San Diego,CA.Consider the marketing campaignbudget.

6.Identify communication challenges in branding managementor leveraging social media communities in marketing.

7.The usefulness of marketing for media and entertainmentcompanies such as Marvel.

8.How have cultural factors affected the marketing ofNescafe instant coffee?

9.The success of the branding strategy of Starbucks.

10.Multilevel marketing under fire:Herbalife defends itsbusiness mode.

11.What are the principles of the marketing strategy ofGame of Thrones?

12.Find one advertisement regarding Heineken thatillustrates the companys global marketing strategy(e.g.,global,hybrid,orlocal strategy)and discuss its effectiveness.

13.In 2016,companies in the United States spent over$200billion on marketing.Which campaigns or types of marketing have you found tobe most effective or appealing?Why?

14.Holistic marketing strategies and new challenges ofdestination management.

15.How do political campaigns influence brandadvertisements?

16.How can impulsive buying be detected by brands?

17.What qualities can poor-marketed brands take fromwell-marketed ones?

18.How can brands increase customer loyalty?

19.What tools do brands use to attract young mothers?

20.What discounts do famous brands usually implement toattract consumers?

21.Ho can brands enhance sales with corporate socialresponsibility?


Topics on Market Segmentation and Targeting

1.Choose a company of your choice and explain the marketingsegmentation methods implemented by them.

2.What dramatic changes are occurring in market targeting?

3.What are the four Ps of marketing,and how are theyapplied to marketing APN practice?

4.Analyze the impact of integrated marketing communicationson profitability or financial performance.

5.Analyze the importance of targeting in marketing.

6.To what extent has the Vans marketing strategies andtargeting expanded their company and consumer market?

7.What segmentation methods are used in the tourismmarketing?

8.What is the Canadian perspective on being targeted withmobile advertising based on their browser history?

9.Does language targeting help in ethics advertisements?

10.What targeting is used in political marketing in Canada?


Marketing Essay Topics on Direct Marketing

1.Can consumers shield themselves from direct marketingstrategies?

2.Can you say that direct marketing is the better versionover traditional?

3.What is the peoples attitude to direct marketing?

4.Determine and analyze the direct marketing of a companyof your choice.

5.How does direct marketing impact consumer behavior?

6.How does direct marketing impact marketingcommunications?

7.What main features does direct marketing have?

8.How does direct marketing incorporate standardization?

9.How does direct marketing help in promotion of productsonline?

10.How do social classes influence direct marketing?

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