
Essay Hook怎么写?这有16个例子

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:809

2024-10-10 10:13:23

留学生在写一篇Essay的时候如果没有一个有趣的hook,那么很有可能在第二段之前让老师失去读下去的兴趣。Essay Hook怎么写?这是很多同学都想问的问题。一个好的Hook是你Essay的关键。下文小编列举了16个例子告诉大家如何写好Hook。

Essay Hook怎么写?这有16个例子

16个Essay Hook写作示例:




1.Ihad felt so alone for so long,wondering why I was different,why I couldnt benormal,when I read Kurt Vonneguts Player Piano for the firsttime:I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over.Out onthe edge you see all kinds of things you cant see from the center.That wasit.

2.Iwas alone in my room reading On the Road in which Jack Kerouacwrote,A pain stabbed my heart,as it did every time I saw a girl I loved whowas going the opposite direction in this too-big world.I was immediatelytransported back to that heavy summer day at Penn Station,July 23,2010.



3.ChristopherMcCandless once said,The joy of life comes from our encounters with newexperiences and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlesslychanging horizon,for each day to have a new and different sun.It was in thisspirit that I packed a small bag and left home at the age of 18.

4.AsSocrates waited for his execution,he practiced a tune on his flute.When askedwhat was the use,he replied,To know this tune before dying.I cant explainmy own motivations any better.I just need to know.



5.Oneday,when I was ten years old,my father woke me for school.We had cerealtogether in the kitchen.He asked if Id brushed my teeth.He walked me to thebus stop and told me to have a good day.It was a completely normal morning,which is what really gets me,because it was the last time I ever saw him.

6.Thechildren talked about me,as they tended to do,not knowing that I couldunderstand what they were saying.Look at his eyes and his nose.So weird.The life of an American in China is somewhat akin to an animal in a zoo,Isuppose.



7.Theyassured me that my choice would change nothing.But,how could it not?Couldyou sit down at sixteen years old and choose between your father and yourmother,knowing the other will be devastated?

8.Youjust won the lottery.Weve all imagined this scenario from time to time.Whatwould you buy?Where would you go?What would change?Well,what if I told youthat you didnt need to win the lottery at all?Would you believe me?



9.Nothingyou learn in the first seventeen years of your life means a thing.This wascrystal clear the day I turned eighteen.

10.There is no such thing as free will.Ifit existed,I would have had a say in when,where,and to whom I was born.



11.Every cell in the human body isreplaced over the course of about seven years.That means,not one part of mefrom that April day ten years ago is still with me today.

12.Write now,as you read this,you areflying through space at a speed of 67,000 mph.There have been times in my lifewhen I swear I could feel it.



13.As he pounded on the door,the roomshook.I knew it would open eventually,and nothing would be the same,but Iwasnt watching the door.I couldnt take my eyes off the Little League trophythat was slowly moving closer and closer to the edge of my shelf.

14.There was an old water tower in myhometown that Id climb from time to time.Id sit dangling my feet off theedge,picking at the flaking turquoise paint,and watching the cars carry thoselucky people down that road,towards the setting sun,far away from me.



15.25%of anorexia and bulimia sufferersare men,so why did I feel so alone?

16.The average American consumes 77.1liters of beer per year in the United States.Then again,my father wasntaverage.

如上面所述,这不是一个完整的列表。然而,幸运的是,这些例子帮助你理解如何用一个hook开始一篇Essay写作。如果你需要Essay Hook写作辅导帮助,也可以随时联系考而思在线,为您安排专业学术Essay写作辅导老师进行一对一指导。



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