
Video Essay实用备考指南和题库

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:312

2023-11-08 18:04:46

近年来,越来越多的学校开始在申请人评估中加入Video Essay的环节,其中不乏Kellogg、MIT Sloan、Yale SOM、LBS、INSEAD等广受大家欢迎的欧美顶级商学院。招生委员会可以通过Video Essay获得对于申请人形象、个性更为直观的印象,也可以借此快速了解申请人的英语表达水平和讲故事的能力。

Video Essay实用备考指南和题库

不少同学在初次收到Video Essay邀请时都感到又激动又紧张,却不知道如何有效准备,以及应该投入多少的精力。在今天的推文中,我们就来系统性地解构这一评估形式,回答大家关心的问题,并且奉上实用的备考指南和题库。

1. Video Essay考察哪些方面?

Yale SOM的AO在学校官网上曾对Video Essay给予这样的建议:

Its important to note that the video questions are not a substitute for the interview. Instead, they provide a unique way for us to assess your communication skills and your ability to think on your feet, and enable us to create a more dynamic, multi-dimensional profile of each candidate.

This is your opportunity to speak directly to the committee, allowing us to gauge qualities we might see when meeting in-person, rather than relying solely on the written portion of the application. There are no trick questions; we are not trying to stump you. The questions asked are similar to typical MBA or job interview questions, so take the allotted time to gather your thoughts and then deliver a response.

这段对于Video Essay的建议非常有代表性,意味着Video Essay的目的是:

1). Put a face with a name. 帮助招生委员会形成对你的直观印象;快速判断你看起来是否友善、真诚、有所准备;

2). 直观感受你的沟通表达能力,能否在短时间内组织语言、明确表达自己思想;

3). 初步了解你的个性、申请动机和热情所在,判断你是否与学校拥有相似的价值观,是否对学校充满热爱。

2. Video Essay的形式是什么?

主流商学院Video Essay的形式大致分为两类:

第一类是限定答题时间的短问答,形式与托福机考的口语题非常类似。在正式提交网申表格后,同学们会很快收到学校的邮件,提示在若干天内完成Video Essay的内容。

邮件里会对录制video essay的网络技术平台和使用方法进行明确的说明。大家在正式答题前可以提前去平台上调试设备,并熟悉使用方法。


以Kellogg为例,2021年申请季中,学校的Video Essay包含三道预先公布的题目,在正式作答中,每道题有20秒的准备时间,之后进入1分钟的答题时间,有且只有一次答题机会。

第二类Video Essay并非独立的环节,而是网申提交内容的一部分,学校会让大家在提交Essay的同时附上一段视频,也是给大家一个机会更全面地展示自己。

以MIT Sloan为例,在正常的Essay文书之外,学校要求申请人在网申中附上一段1分钟短视频,题目是Introduce yourself to your future classmates。

有的学校Essay环节虽然没有对视频的硬性要求,但要求大家以image作答,向学校展示更为丰满立体的形象,比如NYU Stern 的Pick Six 。

3. Video Essay对申请有多重要?

在评估环节,商学院的招生委员会将根据申请人递交的全部材料,综合判断申请人的candidacy,所以我们很难界定Video Essay在具体评估环节所占的权重。


对于第一类快问快答型的Video Essay,学校主要是将其作为网申文书的补充内容,希望看到申请人更丰满的形象和英文沟通能力,所以只要完成得当,没有出现纰漏,都不会影响申请人拿到面试的机会。当然,如果完成地很好,自然也会为申请人加分。

对于第二类出现在网申中的Video Essay,那么其重要性至少与其他书面文书齐平,甚至成为申请竞争者之间的重要差异点,大家一定要认真准备,争取做到出彩。

4. 高质量的回答需要具备哪些要素?

Video Essay给了同学们全方位展示自己的机会,答案本身没有对错,但是高质量的回答往往存在以下共性:

1). Preparedness. 不论Video Essay的形式如何,都应该努力做到最好,让学校看到你对申请的commitment。具体准备方法可参考下文内容

2). Focused Answer. 在认真审题的基础上,有的放矢地作答,千万不要跑题

3). Structure and logic. 结构化的语言可以抓住观众的注意力,帮助他快速理解你提供的信息,并且展示你清晰地逻辑和语言表达能力

4). Consistency. 回答的内容应该与其他文书中展示出来的领导力风格、性格特点、CG、Why MBA and Why School等核心内容想一致,不要出现混乱的个性和价值观

5). Authenticity. 真诚地表达和态度,是展示你个人魅力最好的武器。无论答案是什么,都应该尽量以真诚、热忱的态度作答,By Yourself才能赢得观众的好感

6. Professionalism. 不论是视频里的背景、灯光,还是你本人着装、打扮,都应该尽可能做到得体,向商学院学生的专业形象靠拢

5. 如何着手准备Video Essay?

如果是MIT Sloan这种出现在网申中的Video Essay,那么应该按照正常Essay文书的标准对内容进行充分的准备和持续地打磨,然后完成录制。

如果网申后独立的Video Essay环节(快问快答型),那么完全可以在提交网申表格之后,在规定提交时间内进行准备。我们建议大家可以分三步来完成准备工作:

第一步,充分了解目标学校Video Essay的形式,认真阅读官方题目说明,并查阅学校AO过往在学校官方平台上对Video Essay提供的建议。

比如学校通过Video Essay在考察什么?有几道题?是固定的题目还是随机的题目?具体的准备时间和答题时间有多长等。另外,网上也可以搜索到很多过来人对于学校Video Essay问题的解读和题库作为参考。

大家在开始练习video Essay前,应该提前把握好学校的Culture and values,确保自己的回答在大方向上是与学校价值取向相一致的。









1. 保障硬件设备和网速的稳定性,其中硬件设备最好采用笔记本或台式机,这样效果更加稳定。

2. 确保真正录制时,不受他人或者其他通讯设备的干扰。有同学选好场地录制却发现Ipad只有5%的电,没带电源,又临近deadline递交时间,所以在匆忙和担心中录完上传,影响了录制的状态和效果。建议大家一定要提前准备好,万无一失。

3. 提前根据录制镜头的影像,找到合适的光线、录制背景,最好选择背景明亮、脸部光线柔和的角度。女生和男生都可以适度淡妆,让自己在镜头中看起来精气神更好,不要过暗或者过于苍白。

4. 录制时尽可能着正装或者商务休闲风格,神态自然、专注,态度真诚、热情。可以表现地活泼,但肢体语言不易过度。

最后,让我们一起看看常见的Video Essays有哪些吧!

Kellogg Video Essay

You will be asked to answer 3 questions. You will be given 20 seconds to think about the question and up to 1 minute to give your response. you cannot redo any of the questions.

1. Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

2. What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you? (Why Kellogg)

3. We know last year was very challenging. Tell us about a challenge you faced due to these events and what you learned from it.

MIT Sloan Video Essay

As a part of the MIT Sloan application, you must submit a video statement along with other documents. Unlike the other schools, where you record the video in the admission portal, in MIT Sloan video statement, you can record and upload the video at your convenience on their portal.

The video prompt is Introduce yourself to your future classmates. The video statement must be a single take (no editing) with a duration of fewer than 60 seconds. The admission committee recommends delivering a response that includes a bit on your experience and why you chose MIT Sloan to pursue your MBA. Upload instructions are provided with the application.

Yale SOM Video Essay

After submission of your application, you will receive access to the video questions portal. You will get three basic behavior-based questions as a part of the admission process. You will get 30 seconds to structure your thought and 90 seconds to respond to the questions.

以下是常见的一些Video Essay问题(随机问题),谨供大家参考和练习:

Describe a leadership style you admire.

What is your leadership style?

What is your most significant accomplishmen?

Tell us about a time when you had to exert extra effort to complete a task. What was that task and what steps did you take to be successful?

Explain your hobbies.

How do you define success.

Do you think technology divides or unites us?

Tell us a time when you face challenges.

What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses.

What qualities would your friends use to describe you.

Tell us about how you engaged with a community or an Organization.

Talk about a team disagreement and how you handled it.

Tell us about a difficult decision and how you handled it?

Tell us about a creative solution you designed

Tell us about a shortcut you and a team could have taken, but decided not to.

How will you resolve a conflict with your future classmates at the program?

Why is now the time for you to pursue an MBA? / Why have you chosen to do your MBA now?

Tell us about a time when you fell behind on a task/deadline. Why did you fall behind, and what steps did you take to catch up?

The People who we remember most are the people who break the rules. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Please respond to the following statement: Without Arts, an education can not be accomplished Do you agree or disagree? why?

Do you think the people who raise capital in an organization are the most important part? Why/why not?

Please respond to the following statement: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. Do you agree or disagree? why?

Do you agree or disagree with the notion that chief executives first priority should be a profit for shareholders?



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