
留学生Group Presentation怎么做?

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:1016

2024-10-22 19:11:43

无论是入门课程,实习课程还是高级研讨会,group presentations都是每个人大学经验的一部分,Presentation是小伙伴们比较常见的assignment了,但它依然可能会引起留学生们非常焦虑的情绪。

很多同学们在出国之前并没有多少机会进行group presentation或者英文group presentation,因此到了英国以后,面对看起来复杂的presentation有点束手无策。尤其是group presentation可是比individual presentation多了更多不同的要求和挑战,需要所有的小组成员全力配合,保持密切的沟通还有交流。

但是很多同学们并不能碰见那么愿意配合的成员,毕竟和尚挑水的故事同学们也都听说过。如果你选的课程里有group presentation时,请不要惊慌,而应该抓住机会学习和展示您的能力。阅读以了解如何做才能使下一个group presentations令人难忘。

所以今天留学生Presentation辅导小编就来给大家讲讲两个例子,让大家更清楚的了解Group Presentation怎么做

A:Indian online education market entry 印度在线教育市场进入


group presentation中最明显的一个问题在于,每个成员清楚自己需要做的工作,但是却没有人知道总的目标。花点时间讨论各自的工作成果,你们的发现和结论,并确保对大家都对项目有一个统一和完整的观点。比如,在这个课题中,有的成员需要负责分析印度online education market的现状,有的成员需要负责分析entry的risk和opportunity等等。

若大家只去了解自己负责的部分,而完全不管其他部分以及总的market entry问题的话,这就会是一个危险的尝试。因为如果在QA阶段,考官向你问到其他人负责的问题是,你只能一头雾水了。

2) 准备材料前

你需要在最初的60秒钟内让你的观众感兴趣。所以小组需要花时间想一个引人入胜的开场白,让观众感兴趣。比如,可以讲一讲印度经济发展的迅猛势头,由此带到它的online education market这一块。


有哪些key points;必要的supporting points;实例;以及你的key findings。

在这个课题中,如果你是负责分析risks的部分,那么你需要的key points可以从PESTEL着手,找到political,environmental,social,technological,economic以及legal risks。

presentation的目的不是要表明你知道多少,而是简明扼要地传达你的key points、insights和conclusion。

3) 构建你的presentation



在不同speaker上台时一定要过渡,team leader最好在presentation开始之前介绍每一位成员。

留学生Group Presentation怎么做?

4) 上台前


5) Presentation中



6) QA环节


在这个例子中,可以问问market entry带来的risks能如何解决啊,这些数据是从何处找到的,你的这个数据是xx国的,如果证明它能运用的印度上之类的。



Im not certain, but that is an important question that I would love to look into for you.

B. 哈佛大学学者How to Give a Great Group Presentation

1) Distribute the Work Evenly 平均分配工作

The first step to planning an A-worthy presentation is to make sure everyone carries their own weight, though this is easier said than done. This step will set your presentation up for success but can be challenging to pull off. It is likely that at least some of the people in your group will have unmatched academic abilities and work ethics, but this problem can be overcome.

Outline the work that needs to be done for the whole project and divvy up roles based on what people are comfortable doing. Make the expectations of each person clear so that there is accountability from start to finishif something gets sloppily finished or is left entirely undone, the issue can be traced back to whatever group member is responsible and handled accordingly. If necessary, discuss problems with the professor. Don't let one person's laziness sabotage your entire group's work.

2) Schedule Deadlines and Rehearsals in Advance 提前安排截止日期和彩排

As a college student, it can be incredibly difficult to manage your own time let alone synchronize the schedules of several different group members. Planning to get together as far in advance as possible makes it less likely that other commitments are prioritized over important group planning time.

At your first group meeting, set a timeline for when things need to be done. Schedule meetings, deadlines, and rehearsals as far into the future as the assignment allows. Never plan to cram at an all-night stress fest the night before tired and over-extended group members will have a hard time executing even the most well-planned presentation.

3) Present Together 一起呈现

Just as you should use the strengths and weaknesses of group members to assign planning roles before the presentation, you should consider the abilities of every group member when deciding how the presentation itself should actually be delivered. Cohesion is crucial to a great presentation. People will notice if one or more group members do not speak or the presentation gets off-topic each time a new person takes over, and weak delivery does not bode well for your grade.

When you are planning how you will present, ask yourself and your group members the following questions:

What is the best way to deliver this material?

What presenting strengths does each group member have?

What goals must be met during the presentation?

How will we divide and conquer scripting the presentation?

What will we do if the presentation gets off-topic or a member forgets their part?

4) Prepare for Emergencies 为紧急情况做准备

Hopefully, you have put the time into creating an outstanding presentation, so don't let small hiccups derail it. Make sure that you know each other's responsibilities well enough to take over for them in times of crisis.

You never know when someone will get unexpectedly sick, face a family emergency, or be otherwise unable to show up for a presentation. Have a system in place where one group member can serve as an understudy for another group member so that your presentation does not crash and burn if someone is not there. Make the most of your preparations by planning for any scenario and remember to work as a team when things go wrong.

5) Rehearse 排练

For a crisp presentation that leaves a strong impression on your professor and classmates, you need to rehearse. At least one run-through from beginning to end can smooth out any wrinkles, help nervous members overcome their fear, and ensure that you haven't left anything out.

Go through your parts as planned and offer each other constructive feedback immediately after. This may be uncomfortable, but helpful peer feedback can prevent negative feedback and bad grades from professors. Frame comments to members positively with a "glow and a grow": one thing they did really well and one area for improvement.

You should also discuss a dress code right before you rehearse so that all group members don the appropriate attire for the occasion. Lend each other clothes to help each other out if needed.

6) Stay Present During the Presentation 在演示过程中保持状态

As long as your group is up there presenting, you need to be giving the presentation your all. This means that, even if your part is over, you should remain alert, engaged, and undistracted. This will make your presentation look and sound better while also enabling seamless emergency transitions. If you pay attention to your whole presentation, you will be much better prepared to step in for someone that needs rescuingalso, odds are that everyone else (professor included) will be more likely to pay attention if they see you paying attention.

7) Celebrate 庆祝

Group presentations can be very effortful and time-consuming, so the celebration is definitely in order once it's over. Reward yourself as a team for a job well done to bond after the potentially traumatizing experience you have shared.



犹豫不决 不如直接对话导师



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