

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:199

2023-04-18 22:18:00






Example 1:Active: Vitamin A increases the risk of hair loss.Passive: The risk of hair loss is increased by vitamin A.

Example 2:Active: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from industries and vehicleexhausts can induce a series of environmental problems, including photochemicalsmog, broken ozonosphere, and environmental pollution.

Passive: A series of environmental problems, including photochemical smog,broken ozonosphere, and environmental pollution, can be induced by volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) emitted from industries and vehicle exhausts.


Example 1:Active: In this study, we present our design of an electric hot water tank.Passive: In this study, a design of an electric hot water tank is presented.

Example 2:Active: This study develops an efficient methodology to examine a space–timecontinuous dataset for urban irrigation water use.Passive: An efficient methodology to examine a space–time continuous datasetfor urban irrigation water use is developed in this study.


Example 1:Active: Previous studies have used comparative analysis of ORF2 sequences toelucidate phylogenetic relationships among different FCV isolates.

Passive: Comparative analysis of ORF2 sequences has been used in previousstudies to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among different FCV isolates.

Example 2:Active: Only a small number of empirical studies have focused on the patternsand mechanisms behind disease clusters at small spatial scales, especially inwild host–pathogen systems [2].Passive: The patterns and mechanisms behind disease clusters at small spatialscales, especially in wild host–pathogen systems, have been focused on by onlya small number of empirical studies [2].


Example 1:Active: We determined the presence of larvae by dip netting.Passive: The presence of larvae was determined by dip netting.

Example 2:Active: We evaluated the number of haplotypes (h), haplotypes (Hd), andnucleotides (π) using the DnaSP 5.10 program [3].

Passive: The number of haplotypes (h), haplotypes (Hd), and nucleotides (π) wasevaluated using the DnaSP 5.10 program [3].

Example 3:Active: We found a strong correlation between above-ground and below-groundbiomass accumulation in Platanus occidentalis.

Passive: A strong correlation was found between above-ground and below-groundbiomass accumulation in Platanus occidentalis.



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