
Motivation Letter怎么写, 如何写Motivation Letter.

来源:考而思在线 阅读量:496

2023-10-17 13:59:01

留学生在国外求学的时候, 一定不可避免地会遇到英语动机信, 它作为展示申请者求学渴望的重要信件, 十分受招生委员的重视. 一封优质的动机信能够大大提高你的申请成功率. 那么怎么写好一封Motivation Letter呢? 你不仅需要展示具体的过往学术经历, 还要遵守一定的行文格式. 接下来考而思在线就来具体介绍Motivation Letter怎么写.

Motivation Letter是什么

Motivation Letter即“动机信”, 主要内容为向目标院校说明你作为申请者的优势特点, 侧重解释你为什么能够成为该专业的培养人选或学术项目的候选人. 在写作动机信之前, 你需要对目标院校的学术环境, 课程设置, 人才培养要求等等有清晰的了解, 才能在字里行间表露你对于这个机会的渴求, 并且要针对性地介绍你最近的学术成果和实践经历.

PS, SOP和ML有什么区别

Motivation Letter怎么写, 如何写Motivation Letter.

因为这三者都是在申请目标院校时会书写的文书, 内容上也有相互重叠, 例如介绍自身的学术成果和研究水平, 但实际上PS, SOP和ML有一定的区别.

● PS: 在写作重点上, 更偏向模糊性和主观性的描述, 例如性格特质, 理想抱负或人生经历;

● SOP: 在写作重点上, 更偏向学术性内容的介绍, 例如学术上的研究背景, 学术成果和未来学业规划.

● ML: 在写作重点上: 更偏向实际性的内容, 例如清晰罗列过去的学业成就, 实习经历和工作资历等等.

如何写Motivation Letter

很多留学生常常问道: Motivation Letter怎么写? 动机信的内容基本较为固定, 随着学生个人情况的差异而有所不同, 但在内容结构方面也要遵照一定的标准, 下面, 考而思在线就从多个方面来介绍留学动机信怎么写.

Motivation Letter怎么写, 如何写Motivation Letter.

① 注重行文结构与内容逻辑性

国外教授最注重的莫过于文章的逻辑性. 学生提供动机信的目的在于让学生将个人情况一清二楚地展现出来, 提高自身的申请成功率. 但你在写作时, 切忌将个人信息及学术成果一股脑儿全堆砌上去, 而应该有重点有顺序, 让招生老师能Get到你的重点和详细情况. 那么, 你在阐述的时候, 要着重提出:

● 过往的学习成绩和研究成果.

● 陈述申请原因时, 要结合具体信息并包含真情实感, 态度真诚.

● 介绍未来学业计划以及毕业后的发展方向, 此时要避免“贡献”, “投效”这类词语, 应当具体说明你希望就职的公司和岗位.

② 表述直截了当, 引起考官注意力

由于国外的招生委员每天都会接到非常多的申请院校动机信, 因此考官看一封动机信的时间可能只有几分钟而已, 那么如何在有限的时间内引起老师的注意呢? 这就要求你在开头和内容上清晰且具体, 毕竟冗长的文字很容易引起阅读疲劳. 一般来说, 写作的标准结构为:

● 简洁明了的自我介绍.

● 过往的学习成就.

● 具体的申请动机与求学目的.

③ 针对性介绍自己, 突出个人长处

在留学动机信中, 你一定要突出个人的优势, 才能让老师坚信选择你是正确的, 而非别的申请者. 因此, 你应当总结你参与过的重要学术项目及具体的成就. 在展示学术项目时, 应当倾向于和申请专业相关的内容, 毕竟不相关的项目并不能显示你在该专业学习上的能力. 通常老师都会更欣赏有创造力, 专注力和勤学苦读的学生, 那么你在介绍自身的时候尽量体现这方面的特质.

④ 了解清楚目标院校的相关信息

招生委员很注重申请者对本院校的了解程度, 因此你在介绍求学动机的时候要具体罗列这所院校吸引你的理由并适当予以赞美. 如果你想了解目标院校的信息, 可以浏览相关官网, 网页上一般都会有详细的院校介绍, 同时也会展示他们对于某些人才的需求, 此时你要在清楚院校重视的因素以后进行写作较为稳妥.


Motivation Letter怎么写, 如何写Motivation Letter.

在写作过程中, 要遵守一定的行文格式, 才能让招生委员看来十分流畅, 对你的印象大大加分, 下面考而思在线就来具体介绍英语动机信格式.

Part1 – 介绍个人基本情况

首先, 你需要在信中介绍自己, 通过简要的一段文字说明清楚个人的基本信息, 包括性格特质等等, 但无需涉及太多, 主要是展示你的学习成就, 研究成果和相关的实习经历, 出彩的个人经历能够为你自身大大加分.

Part2 – 写明申请院校的原因

动机信的主要目的即成功申请到理想院校和专业, 因此你要对自身申请的专业进行充分地了解, 并在信中说明清楚你为何申请本院校及专业, 并根据它的人才培养要求相应展示个人的学术成果和性格优势, 以此证明你有一定的实力匹配该专业.

Part3 – 陈述未来目标与规划

国外的院校非常注重学生的可发展性, 因此你可以在自身的研究水平基础上展开合理规划, 可以是关于未来的研究方向, 学业深造计划或工作发展情况, 不同的学生有不同的选择, 但总而言之, 你尽量陈述一个具体的个人发展计划, 以让招生老师明确你强烈的求学心理.

Motivation Letter模板

I am Bob Smith, a third-year student of software engineering. In order to pursue further studies in this field in the future, I hope to apply for a postgraduate study opportunity in XXX university. I am so eager to study because my parents’ work is related to the computer industry, and their creative thinking has greatly influenced me. I have been eager to turn my creative ideas into reality since I was a child, and receiving higher education is the only way.

I have excellent classroom performance in the course of mathematics and logic calculation, and my teacher also gave me affirmation, which further encouraged my confidence to continue to explore this field. I decided to link my future career planning with the major of software engineering, so as to make my studies useful.

In order to deepen my academic ability in this field, I participated in the two-month internship training of the local Internet company last summer vacation. As an intern, I learned a lot of effective skills, such as how to make web pages, how to code, how to improve the speed of software repair, and so on. After the internship, I also won the honor of “Excellent Intern”.

As the cradle of creative talents, XXX University has great influence in the computer field. The collaborative project of academic tutors and elite talents in your school has made great contributions to the development of computer software. At the same time, the university also has close cooperation with many local Internet companies, and has exported professional compound talents for the computer industry. I admire the achievements of this university. Therefore, I think this university has a strong sense of academic cultivation, and it is also the place where my academic ideal can best be realized.

As for my future academic goals, I hope the university can have close ties with Internet entities, so it can provide students with more practical experience, so that I can apply my professional knowledge to practical operation. As most computers are vulnerable to viruses at present, I hope to update the existing anti-virus software and fundamentally improve the coding program. If I am lucky enough to get the postgraduate places, I will strive to improve my academic quality and lay a solid foundation for my major. Finally, I want to say that if I can be a student in this university, I will try my best to be a valuable member of the team.

Thank you very much for considering my application, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Smith

以上就是Motivation Letter的全部内容了, 关于动机信写作, 这关乎到你是否能顺利拿到理想院校的Offer, 因此在写作时要具有清晰的行文逻辑和详实的个人信息介绍, 如果您对于这方面的写作没有十足信心的话, 可随时向考而思在线寻求帮助!



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